Become A Member
A person who wishes to become a member of the Institute and qualifies under the Accountants Act can apply through a prescribed application form to the LIA secretariat at its registered address. Section 14 of the Act stipulates that a person may be registered upon payment of a fee. This fee is payable upon acceptance of membership by an applicant. The fee is subject to revision by the Council of the institute from time to time. The form is available on the LIA website where it can be printed and filled or can be obtained from LIA offices at working hours.
How to become a member
Admission to the profession of accounting is regulated by the Accountants Act under sections 14 and 15. The Act prescribes under section 14 that “upon payment of a prescribed fee,
- a) Has passed the examinations specified in part I of the second Schedule or,
- b) Is a member of one of the bodies or an association of accountants specified in part II of the second schedule and,
- c) Satisfies the requirement of section 15,
- d) Is over the age of twenty-one,
- e) Is, in the opinion of the Council, a fit and proper person to be admitted as a member.
The Institute offers membership in various categories depending on the qualifications obtained.
Becoming a member can be summarized as follows:
- Obtain Relevant Qualification
LIA (LESOTHO INSTITUTE OF ACCOUNTANTS) takes education to be professional accountancy qualifications recognized by the institute or a university Degree with a major in auditing, financial accounting management accounting or tax. Certificates and diplomas which are not in professional programs are not considered for LIA membership.
- Technician Accountant
- General Accountant
- Chartered Accountant
2. Obtain Relevant Practical Experience
For one to be admitted as a member they have relevant practical experience which shall be in taxation, accounting, auditing, or finance in accordance with the table below. The purpose of the experience requirement is to enable a member to gain competencies that will allow him or her to perform accordingly either in employment or public practice.
Experience can be attained through.
- Attachment or IPDS
- Serving articles
- Volunteering in employment
One can be attached, serve articles or volunteer through employment in the public or private sector or by entrepreneurship, but supervision is the underpinning factor.
A person applying for membership should show that they were under supervision, coaching or mentorship by a senior person.
People who hold membership of other PAOs will be admitted at the same level/category or the equivalent thereof of what they hold with such PAO, however, must produce evidence that they are still active and in good standing with such PAO.
Applying for membership
How to Apply
Obtain and fill in the application form.
Provide the following in addition to the prescribed form.
- Detailed CV
- Detailed reference letter with the cumulative experience matching or more than the number of years required for the category being applied for.
- Certified copies of ID
- Certified copied of Educational Certificates and transcripts
For Practice Application
Eligibility depends on the standing of the member. Only people in good standing, those who fulfill their membership obligations, will be eligible for practice.
Membership Obligations
As a member of the Institute, one is required to meet the following requirements to be in good standing.
- Pay annual subscriptions as required.
- Attain a minimum of not less than 40 hours (about 1 and a half days) in Continuous Programs of Education (CPD); Click here to find out about CPD.
- Must not be involved in any disciplinary issues.