Chartered Accountant CA(L)

Straight Admission

For straight admission into the chartered accountant level an applicant must have the
following qualifications and experience
i. Chartered Accounting stage or equivalent,
ii. Relevant Masters degrees , plus
Three years of relevant practical experience in other occupation at executive
management level.

Admission by Examination (The incumbent must sit for LIA competency
For admission by examination into the chartered accountant level an applicant must have
the following qualifications and experience to qualify for the examination;
i. CIPFA Advanced Diploma or equivalent, plus, four years of relevant
practical experience in other occupation at executive management
ii. Relevant honors qualifications plus, six years of relevant practical
experience in other occupation at executive management level.

Membership obligations

  1. Annual Membership Subscription Fees
    Every Member of institute remains as such by payment of an annual membership fees which is prescribed by the Institute from time to time Membership fees are due in advance, that is on the last month of financial year of the Institute for the coming year. There are penalties for failure to pay membership fees which are as follows;
    a) 50% of the membership fee after one (1) month,
    b) 75% after two months
    c) 100% of the subscription after three (3) months,
    d) Deregistration from membership by general notice to the public on the fourth month.
  2. Continuing Professional Development
    Members are required to adhere to the CPD requirement as are contained in the CPD
    Policy of the Institute.
  3. Quality Assurance Reviews and Practice Inspections
    Members shall be subjected to Quality Assurance Reviews and Practice Inspections as
    contained in the QAR& I policy.